Global Fellow Program in School Leadership & Management | EPI/Programs/global-fellow-program-in-school-leadership-and-management

Global Fellow Program in School Leadership & Management


Note: Admission is primarily invite-based and a select few institutions around the world are offered to nominate their leaders for this program. Applications are also being accepted for limited seats in the open category.

Flexible, Multi-Phase Integrated Learning

The program, featuring multiple stages and modes of instruction, is meticulously crafted to offer an immersive, convenient, and accelerated learning experience. Each participant embarks on an effectively integrated learning journey, encompassing four distinct phases:

  • Phase 1:

    During the initial phase, participants engage in an online course centered on Global Trends in Business & Society, which provides insights into how K12 education and schools should be market-driven and business-conscious. Complementing this, participants also delve into self-paced reading of the book Creative Schools: The Grassroot Revolution. This stage aims to cultivate a conceptual framework in which K12 education must be effectively managed, encompassing considerations of financial viability, managerial excellence, and professional dedication.

  • Phase 2:

    This phase focuses to MasterClass 1, a five-day immersive experience covering 17 essential themes. Meticulously designed, this MasterClass aims to enhance the professional capabilities of participants, enabling them to make a significant impact on their educational endeavors. It aims to elevate teaching-learning practices and student development outcomes within their respective institutions.

  • Phase 3:

    This phase comprises an exclusive online learning module, delivered asynchronously, and independent reading of a book, that explores various aspects of business, strategy, and self-leadership. It is crucial to complete this stage through self-guided learning, ideally a few weeks prior to the commencement of MasterClass 2.

  • Phase 4:

    In this stage, participants reconvene for their concluding MasterClass, which delves into 13 distinct learning themes and features enlightening sessions facilitated by education experts

PHASE 1 – Self-Guided Pre-Reading & Online Learning

At the commencement of the program, participants initiate Phase 1 by engaging in online learning and reading the designated text at their preferred schedule and speed. The estimated time commitment for completing this stage is 25-30 hours of self-paced learning. The program content is enriched with cutting-edge research and expertise in management and leadership education.

The courses featured in this phase include:

TW2-111 Global Trends in Business & Society
SLRM-11 Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution - Textbook

Note: There is no prescribed sequence for fulfilling these learning and reading requirements. Participants are granted exclusive access to Online sessions through private login credentials. The reading materials will be dispatched to the registered addresses of all participants. The selection of reading materials and online learning themes mentioned here was carefully assessed, taking into account the knowledge and perspective needs of K12 education leaders in the current globalized environment. Therefore, to better serve those needs, we reserve the right to modify the structure and content of this stage at any given time.

PHASE 2 - MasterClass 1

This stage encompasses a rigorous five-day MasterClass program that delves into 17 key themes. It combines classroom sessions, workshops, assignments, and case discussions. The sessions are specifically designed to foster experiential learning, focusing on critical aspects of School Leadership & Management practice and leadership within authentic organizational contexts.

The courses featured in this phase include:

SLM-211 EDSL 510 Critical Issues in Education
SLM-212 Management In Education
SLM-213 EDSL 508 Teaming and Collaborative Leadership in Schools
SLM-214 EDSL 504 Organizational and Legal Dimensions of Principal Leadership
SLM-215 EDSL 506 Instructional Leadership to Promote Learning
SLM-216 EDSL 505 Aligning Fiscal, Human & Community Resources to School Mission
HEM212 Managing Economics of Education
SLM-217 Strategic Planning & Resource Development
SLM-218 Education Innovation
SLM-219 Learning Sciences & Technologies
CEL-110 Exploring Growth & New Business Opportunities in School Education
CEL-111 Enriching STEM Education Effectiveness
CEL-114 Developing Teachers for International Boards & Education Systems
CEL-113 Multiple Intelligences for all-Round Student Development
CEL-115 Management of Parent-School Relationship
CEL-116 Management of International Exchange Programs
CEL-112 Creative Strategies for Student Involvement in Community Projects

Note: We will supply all necessary learning resources, texts, and case studies. Assessments throughout this phase may take the form of verbal, written, or online evaluations.

PHASE 3 - Self-Guided Reading & Online Learning

Upon the completion of Stage 2, participants proceed to the second round of asynchronous online learning and focused reading. This stage involves the completion of one exclusive online learning module and the reading of a groundbreaking text, both at the participants' preferred pace. This stage of learning aims to refresh participants' understanding of various issues that interconnect strategy, business, and leadership. The provided learning resources cater to participants' needs by cultivating a comprehensive understanding of how considerations of economic viability and financial profitability have become essential in the successful management of their schools, missions, and initiatives. Approximately 25-30 hours may be necessary to complete this stage, and this investment will greatly benefit participants in their second MasterClass experience during Stage 4.

The courses featured in this phase include:

TW2-116 Business Strategies for Social Impact - Online
SLRM-12 Improving Your Leadership Intelligence - Textbook

Note: There is no prescribed sequence for fulfilling these learning and reading requirements. Participants are granted exclusive access to Online sessions through private login credentials. The reading materials will be dispatched to the registered addresses of all participants. The selection of reading materials and online learning themes mentioned here was carefully assessed, taking into account the knowledge and perspective needs of K12 education leaders in the current globalized environment. Therefore, to better serve those needs, we reserve the right to modify the structure and content of this stage at any given time.

PHASE 4: MasterClass 2

The final phase of the Global Fellow of School Leadership & Management program entails an immersive four-day second MasterClass, offering an array of impactful learning experiences that focus on essential themes pertaining to leadership in School Leadership & Management, as well as strategies for effectively managing global growth and advancing one's career.

The courses featured in this phase include:

SLM-220 International Education Development
SLM-221 Enhancing Learning Effectiveness Through Technology
SLM-222 Developing Next Generation Curricula
SLM-223 Managing Literacy & Policy Contribution
SLM-224 Enhancing Student Experiences in Campus
SLM-225 Teaching, Delivery and Instructional Effectiveness
CSL-117 Experiential Learning & Promoting a Student Research Culture
CSL-128 Managing Schools Effectively Through Technology
CSL-126 Enhancing School Performance Through External Collaboration
CSL-121 Recruitment, Development & Retention of Teachers & Instructors
CSL-120 Career Counseling & Preparing Students for College Admissions
CSL-119 Managing Athletic & Extra-curricular Development of Students
CSL-124 Institution Branding & Reputation Management

Note: We supply all necessary learning resources, texts, and case studies. Assessments throughout this phase may take the form of verbal, written, or online evaluations.

The Ideal Candidate

This program is highly selective, meticulously curating a cohort from a vast pool of global applicants who have demonstrated a consistent track record of rapid professional growth, continuous learning, and notable contributions across diverse areas within K12 education. The ideal candidates for this program include:

  • Principals, heads, directors, and presidents of both public and private K12 schools.
  • Edupreneurs, consultants, chairpersons, promoters, and senior professionals serving on the boards of K12 schools, as well as those involved in the delivery, management, distribution, and regulation of K12 education.
  • Senior educators and education administrators engaged in policymaking, displaying a particular interest in exploring the role of leadership, strategy, modern management principles, and technology in enhancing the financial and social returns on investments in K12 education.
  • Promising young leaders and talented scions preparing to elevate their family's education ventures to new heights.

Apply for the Global Fellow Program in School Leadership & Management